Collaborative Research Excellence (CoRE) Initiative

A funding initiative to stimulate interdisciplinary collaboration across UNH

UNH holds a deep commitment to interdisciplinary research and academic excellence to address issues facing UNH, our state, region, and beyond. CoRE supports this vision by providing five funding opportunities that collectively reinforce a broad culture of interdisciplinary exchange, collaboration, team development and success, planning, and support.

CoRE is funded through the Office of the Senior Vice Provost for Research, Economic Engagement, and Outreach to support interdisciplinary and collaborative efforts driven by UNH researchers that address local, regional, and world issues. To-date, CoRE investments have been leveraged for over $44M in additional external funding for UNH research activities. 

To learn more about CoRE, see previously funded projects, access collaboration resources, and more:




UNH CoRE logo - 2022

Learn more about CoRE and the CoRE TEAMs

Contact Information

Michael Thompson
Phone: (603) 862-5255